"To love at all is to be vulnerable."
C.S Lewis
Koda, today you turn seven. Seven! Where has the time gone?
Much has happened in my life since you were born. I've been living the life you helped inspire. It's a life I hope you can someday view with pride.
I miss you. I carry you with me every day in my heart and mind and I miss you.
I see so much of you in Miriam and James. It makes me feel like you're here with me. I can't explain the joy that brings me or how it increases my love for the three of you tenfold.
I've been busy with this life of mine. I'm afraid that since moving out-of-state I haven't been there for you enough. I don't really know what that means given our peculiar family dynamic, but the fear is there and I can't shake it.
You have an amazing family and you exude happiness. Your mom and dad are perfect for you. God knew what he was doing when He helped me find them. I can't imagine your life, or mine, without your little brothers. Their birthmoms, all of your aunts, uncles, and cousins... You belong to a beautifully large and unique family and you're loved by everyone in it and then some. I know you will never doubt their love for you and I pray with every fibre of my being that you'll never doubt mine either.
I have loved you since before you were even born and I always will. Always. Happy Birthday, my dearest Little Bear.