Thursday, February 25, 2016

26 weeks

"Those who move forward with a happy spirit 
will find that things always work out." 
                                                                                                                                    Gordon B Hinckley 

I'm tired. One of my goals for 2016 was to exercise more and take better care of myself overall. I think exercising more is the one goal I'm really succeeding at thus far and I'm certainly feeling it today. I'm looking forward for Miss M's nap time so I can join her. Having said that, the exercise has helped my mood a lot and I feel so much better. I'm grateful that my mom has been willing to go to the gym with me every morning.

How far along: 26 weeks

Sleep: I sleep a lot, but at this moment I want to sleep more. Feeling extra tired and I'm assuming that's a pregnancy thing.

Movement: Baby boy has been so low! He's making me have to pee all the time, but he's also sitting funny to where he's making it harder to pee at the same time? I'll have to pee bad, but I won't be able to until he moves. I almost had an accident while out walking with Mr. P and Miss M earlier this week. Not proud of this, but I had to climb down a little snow bank and go under a bridge because baby boy decided to move during our walk and then headbutt my bladder. Fortunately I didn't have to walk home in wet pants.

Cravings: Salsa and chips, but only the all you can eat salsa and chips from a Mexican restaurant. 

Symptoms: Crying over food. Getting hangry. Getting bigger.

Bellybutton: Innie

Wedding ring: On

Worst moment of the week: Peeing under a bridge.

Best moment of the week: Not peeing my pants in public.

What I'm looking forward to: Salsa and chips. Or pancakes. No, definitely salsa and chips.

Size of baby: Baby boy is the size of Thor's hammer this week? He weighs about 2lbs and is 9+ inches long (clearly not as long or heavy as Thor's hammer, but oh well).


Milestones: Baby boy is beginning to open his eyes now, not that there's much of a view for him at the moment. His brain-wave activity is also kicking in this week so he can not only hear noises, but respond to them. How cool is that?

The bump:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

25 down, 15 to go

"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of 
whatever solid and durable happiness 
there is in our natural lives." 
                                                                                                          C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Miss M hasn't had zofran in two days and so far no vomiting from her and Mr. P hasn't puked since Sunday night/early Monday morning so I think it's safe to say we're all well again. Laundry is still never-ending, but it's back to normal which is a relief.

I passed the GD test! No gestational diabetes for me! Yay! Oddly enough, once I heard I didn't have gestational diabetes, breads and sweets stopped making me feel sick and tired. Go figure. I still want to watch what I eat for my health, but I'm not going to worry so much.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past couple of weeks. It got up to 71 degrees today! I've been spending a lot of time outside with Miss M soaking up all the sunshine I can. The weather has helped tremendously with the winter blues. I know there's more snow in our future, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

How far along: 25 weeks today!

Sleep: Love it. We bought new pillows this week and they're pretty much the cat's pajamas.

Movement: Movement is moving up which I hope means he's flipped because he's been breech at all of my appointments thus far.

Cravings: Potato bread and Kraft American cheese sandwiches. Not grilled or anything. Just two slices of cold, fake cheese in between two slices of glorious potato bread. Smash it until it's nice and flat. Yup, that's what I want and how I want it. That, and some spicy Mexican food because my mom mentioned it. That will have to be what Mr. P and I go eat for our next date night.

Symptoms: Getting bigger, heartburn, and my bellybutton hurts.

Bellybutton: Innie :(

Wedding ring: On. I always hate when I forget to put it on and then go out in public. I know that sounds silly, but I've done the "single and pregnant" thing before and now I'm a little obsessed (traumatized?) with making sure people know I'm married and all my babies have been planned.

Worst moment of the week: I can't think of one and I'd rather not work too hard at remembering any because why do that?

Best moment of the week: Having my family. I love Mr. P and I love Miss M. We all love this little boy and we're excited for him to join us on the outside. It feels good when Mr. P comes home from work because this is our home and I love having all of us together.

What I'm looking forward to:
Spicy Mexican food and making it into the third trimester. Only 3 more weeks to go!

Size of baby: Well, this week the Little Mr. is the size of an eggplant, an acorn squash, an average swede, or a rutabaga, and is taller than two juice boxes stacked on top of one another.

^Current size of baby. Take your pick.

Milestones: His skin is turning more pink because capillaries are forming under the skin and filling with blood. Yummy. Lungs are continuing to develop. Gaining some fat. Growing some hair (I'm sure he's going to be born bald). He can distinguish between sweet and salty and he can make out familiar voices.

The Bump: 

That's all. Over n' out. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

V-Day x 2

"My beloved is mine, and I am his: 
he feedeth among the lilies."

I've been trying to post for a couple weeks now, but it's been a little hectic around here. Miss M has been terribly sick again the past week and puking like it's her job. The laundry, the smell, the unhappy toddler... Honestly the vomiting has been my biggest (non life-threatening, non serious, non traumatizing, etc) motherhood nightmare. I hate, hate, hate vomit and it's happening so often that I feel like I can't catch a break. Every time I think it's over for good, Miss M starts spewing again like Old Faithful.

On a happier note, Mr. Pending and I celebrated two V-Days this week.

I'm officially past the 24 weeks mark, hitting viability day. It would still be a high risk journey if I went into labor now, but the chance of survival rates keep going and the odds are ever more tipping in our favor which brings me a lot of peace. I feel like now's the point in pregnancy where I can really start relaxing.

We also celebrated our sixth(!) Valentine's Day together. Mr. Pending had a wonderfully romantic date planned; picnic, star gazing, and all, but unfortunately I also got sick this week and was pretty much out of commission all of Friday and Saturday, and now it's Mr. P's turn to be sick. Booo.
Despite all the vomit, we did have a lovely week together. Mr. P and I got out to see a movie together alone (thanks, mom!), and this morning we enjoyed pink eggs, red grapes, and pink heart-shaped pancakes. It wasn't what either of us had originally planned, but we've decided we still love each other anyway.

Being down with the sickness gave us plenty of time to chill on the couch and watch lots of Netflix which is something we really enjoy doing with each other every now and then. The weather has been surprisingly pleasant too so we made sure to get in some good family walks on the days we were all up for it.

Christmas, Easter, the Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving are probably my top four favorite holidays, but I also really like Valentine's Day. I like using today as a sort of New Year's for love, if that makes sense. Being a kind and loving wife and mother are important to me. This holiday is a simple way to reflect on how I've been doing and where I can improve (plus, I really like making themed treats). 

That's not to say I only reflect on how I'm doing in the loving department on Valentine's Day, but it's definitely a holiday where it's hard not to think about that. It's more fun than stressful, I promise. Maybe that's a bad thing, but so far it hasn't been a bad thing in my life and I hope it always benefits my family and those around me.

We've had a wonderful six years of loving, being loved, and making... life good together. 

Here are a bunch of photos that I've wanted to spam Facebook with, but have refrained from doing so:

Making valentines.
 She LOVED this huge stuffed dog with all the V-Day paraphernalia in the store.
 Walking to Grandma's.

 She does have her own gloves, but she likes wearing mine more. Go figure.
 Watching her explore makes me want to explode (especially when we're outside and I don't have to worry about her putting an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet and trying to flush it).

 Loving on her V-Day unicorn from Grandma and Grandpa Dolan.

 Look! She's finally getting hair! 

I feel much better after getting that out of my system. Man do I love that girl.
Now on to the pregnancy:

How far along: 24+3 weeks

Sleep: I sleep great and I sleep plenty

Movement: He's been kicking up a storm at night and in the mornings when I wake up. I like to think he does it that way because he knows I'm anxious so he's letting me know he's alive and well before I fall asleep (so I can sleep) and again as soon as I wake up. He's already such a considerate boy ;)

Cravings: Normally it's meat, meatballs specifically, but since being sick this weekend baked beans and plain potatoes are what sound most appetizing.

Symptoms: Getting bigger. I may or may not have almost wet my pants while coughing this week.

Innie or Outie: Innie!

Wedding ring: On

Worst moment of the week: ALL the vomit, taking the gestational diabetes test, and being sick. This is the first time the gestational diabetes test has sucked so I'm hoping I either pass with flying colors or fail with flying colors so I don'y have to take the 3hr test. Yuck.

Best moment of the week: Being with Mr. Pending and having Miss M in our lives. Lots of love. My heart is full.

What I'm looking forward to: No mo vomit. Less laundry. What sort of black magic do I have to get involved with to make this happen?

Size of baby: Baby boy is the size of a standard letter this week or ~the size of an ear of corn. That equates to almost a food long and 1 1/3- 1 1/2 lbs.

Milestones: His face is formed, which sounds weird. His hearing is on point. His brain is growing, his taste buds are developing more, and his lungs are producing surfactant. Keep on doing you, little dude. See you in the next ~16 weeks.

The bump:

 24 weeks
24 weeks

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!

Over n' out