Thursday, February 25, 2016

26 weeks

"Those who move forward with a happy spirit 
will find that things always work out." 
                                                                                                                                    Gordon B Hinckley 

I'm tired. One of my goals for 2016 was to exercise more and take better care of myself overall. I think exercising more is the one goal I'm really succeeding at thus far and I'm certainly feeling it today. I'm looking forward for Miss M's nap time so I can join her. Having said that, the exercise has helped my mood a lot and I feel so much better. I'm grateful that my mom has been willing to go to the gym with me every morning.

How far along: 26 weeks

Sleep: I sleep a lot, but at this moment I want to sleep more. Feeling extra tired and I'm assuming that's a pregnancy thing.

Movement: Baby boy has been so low! He's making me have to pee all the time, but he's also sitting funny to where he's making it harder to pee at the same time? I'll have to pee bad, but I won't be able to until he moves. I almost had an accident while out walking with Mr. P and Miss M earlier this week. Not proud of this, but I had to climb down a little snow bank and go under a bridge because baby boy decided to move during our walk and then headbutt my bladder. Fortunately I didn't have to walk home in wet pants.

Cravings: Salsa and chips, but only the all you can eat salsa and chips from a Mexican restaurant. 

Symptoms: Crying over food. Getting hangry. Getting bigger.

Bellybutton: Innie

Wedding ring: On

Worst moment of the week: Peeing under a bridge.

Best moment of the week: Not peeing my pants in public.

What I'm looking forward to: Salsa and chips. Or pancakes. No, definitely salsa and chips.

Size of baby: Baby boy is the size of Thor's hammer this week? He weighs about 2lbs and is 9+ inches long (clearly not as long or heavy as Thor's hammer, but oh well).


Milestones: Baby boy is beginning to open his eyes now, not that there's much of a view for him at the moment. His brain-wave activity is also kicking in this week so he can not only hear noises, but respond to them. How cool is that?

The bump:

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