Friday, May 9, 2014

Anatomy Scan

Kevin and I went the anatomy scan today and everything is looking great! According to the tech, I have twelve ounces of a healthy baby inside me. There was a shadow in part of the heart, but the doctor told me it happens all the time and it's nothing to be concerned about. Plus, I get another ultrasound in four weeks because of it so I can't complain about that :)


She was kicking the whole time we were trying to get photos of her feet. The tech told us she was really fast. It was fun watching her feet go crazy while feeling her kicks.  

Obligatory alien view of baby's face. Look at those tiny fingers! Her hands were my favorite part. I wish we got photos of those. She tried sucking her thumb several times during the ultrasound which was also a lot of fun to watch. 

We already knew we were having a girl because of the MaterniT21 test, but it was nice to get it confirmed via ultrasound. I think we might actually be comfortable buying things now. 

And there you have it. Life is good.

Over and out.


  1. Sooo happy for you guys karissa! You will be an awesome mom!

    1. Thank you very much! I hope I am. I'm going to do my best <3
